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AI-HSUAN MA Associate Professor, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Director of General Education Center
Title Associate Professor, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Director of General Education Center
Tel. 29387626
Ext. 50839
E-mail ahsma@nccu.edu.tw
Classification Full-Time
Research expertise sociology of migration, internationalization of higher education, qualitative research methods, social psychology
Journal Papers
  • Fergus, Deleon;Chen, Yi-Hua;Chuang, Ying-Chih;Ma, Ai-hsuan S.;Chuang, Kun-Yang*, 2024.11, 'A stratified cross-section of resilience in older Taiwanese men and women, ' Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health,.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
  • Ma, Ai-hsuan Sandra*, 2024.10, 'Faculty members’ perspective on the internationalization of higher education in Taiwan, ' Asia Pacific Education Review,.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
  • Fergus, Deleon N.;Chen, Yi-Hua;Chuang, Ying-Chih;Ma, Ai-hsuan Sandra;Chuang, Kun-Yang*, 2024.06, 'A cross-sectional analysis of gender and psychological well-being among older Taiwanese adults, ' Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.15, pp.1392007.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2022.12, '書評:《重寫與對話:臺灣新移民書寫之研究(2004–2015)》, ' 亞太研究論壇, Vol.71, pp.85-87.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ma, Ai-hsuan Sandra*, 2022.11, 'Assessing the effects of university reputation and city image on international student destination choice: Evidence from a flagship university in Taipei, ' Education and Urban Society, Vol.54, No.8, pp.992-1009.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • Collins, Francis*;Ho, Kong Chong;Ishikawa, Mayumi;Ma, Ai-Hsuan Sandra, 2017.05, 'International student mobility and after-study lives: the portability and prospects of overseas education in Asia, ' Population, Space and Place, Vol.23, No.4, pp.XX.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-hsuan Sandra Ma*, 2014.08, 'Social networks, cultural capital, and attachment to the host city: comparing overseas Chinese students and foreign students in Taipei, ' Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Vol.55, No.2, pp.226-241.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 馬藹萱*, 2014.06, '從在台外籍生之學習選擇看留學生遷移決策之社會建構, ' 人口學刊, Vol.48, pp.43-94.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Ai-hsuan Sandra Ma*, 2014.05, 'The development of international student recruitment policies in Taiwan: A sixty-year trajectory, ' Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol.18, No.2, pp.120-140.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 黃信洋;馬藹萱*, 2011.09, '向左走,向右走:從生命史探討教育與職業選擇之發展曲線與社會影響, ' 社會科學論叢, Vol.5, No.1.(*為通訊作者)
  • Kun-Yang Chuang;Shwu-Chong Wu*;Yu-Tzu Dai;Ai-Hsuan Sandra Ma, 2007.06, 'Post-hospital care of stroke patients in Taipei: Use of services and policy implications, ' Health Policy, Vol.82, No.1, pp.28-36.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 簡曉靜;吳振龍;陳育慧;馬藹萱;莊媖智;莊坤洋*, 2005.12, '網際網路中瘦身網站之品質評估, ' 台灣公共衛生雜誌, Vol.24, No.6, pp.483-493.(TSSCI, CSA)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Kun-Yang Chuang;Shwu-Chong Wu;Ai-Hsuan Sandra Ma;Yu-Hui Chen;Cheng-Long Wu*, 2005.06, 'Identifying factors associated with hospital readmissions among stroke patients in Taipei, ' Journal of Nursing Research, Vol.13, No.2, pp.117-128.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 馬藹萱*, 2003.09, '尋求「交會」的光芒—評夏曉鵑著《流離尋岸—資本國際化下的「外籍新娘」現象》, ' 政治與社會哲學評論, No.6, pp.231-237.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 馬藹萱*, 2001, '依賴與獨立間的困境, ' 中國時報〈開卷〉,.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-hsuan S. Ma*, 2000, 'Rethinking migration decision making in contemporary migration theories, ' 國立政治大學社會學報, No.30, pp.145-188.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Ai-hsuan S. Ma*, 1993, 'Review of Survey Research Methods: A Reader (by E. Singer and S. Presser, eds.), ' Contemporary Psychology, Vol.38, No.6, pp.1.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Conference Papers
  • Ai-hsuan Sandra ma*, 2024.07, 'Faculty Members’ Perspective on the Internationalization of Higher Education in Taiwan, ' International Convention for Asian Scholars Annual Conference (ICAS 13), International Institute for Asian Studies.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2023.11, '從本地生校園跨文化經驗看高等教育在地國際化, ' 台灣社會學會年會, 台灣社會學會.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-hsuan Sandra Ma*, 2023.06, 'Internationalization at home in Taiwan’s higher education: domestic students’ perspectives., ' XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-hsuan Sandra Ma*, 2023.03, 'The global trend and the local voice: Taiwanese faculty’s perception of and experience in the internationalization of higher education, ' Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Association for Asian Studies.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ma, Ai-hsuan Sandra*, 2019.07, 'Overseas Education, Social Mobility and Ethnic Positioning: The Experiences of Overseas-Educated Malaysian Chinese Returnees, ' The 11th International Convention for Asian Scholars Conference (ICAS 11), International Institute for Asian Studies, Universiteit Leiden, GIS ASIE.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ma, Ai-hsuan Sandra*, 2018.07, 'A Perfect Partnership... or Is It? Taiwanese Firms in Malaysia and Taiwan-Educated Malaysian Chinese Returnees, ' XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ma, Ai-hsuan Sandra*, 2018.07, 'Taiwanese Business Migrants in Malaysia: Translocal Networks and Entrepreneurship, ' XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • 黃稚純*;馬藹萱, 2018.06, '從高中學生看學校校規與學生人權, ' 2018教學實踐研究暨校務研究研討會, 國立台北教育大學.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-hsuan Sandra Ma*, 2017.11, 'Transnational Investment and Local Embedded of Ethnic Capital: Taiwanese Firms and Malaysian Chinese in Malaysia, ' ISSCO Conference, International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO).(*為通訊作者)
  • Kong Chong Ho*;Francis Collins;Mayumi Ishikawa;Ai-Hsuan Sandra Ma;Chua Yue Er, 2016.11, 'Study Abroad and After Study as Contrasting Phases in Youth Transition to Adulthood, ' Youth Mobilities and Immobilities in the Asia-Pacific Region, National University of Singapore and Western Sidney University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-Hsuan Sandra Ma*, 2016.06, 'Transferability of overseas credentials currency in Asia and its effects on returnees’ social mobility at home: the case of Malaysian Chinese, ' CEEISA-ISA Conference, ISA, CEEISA.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2014.12, '境外教育與文化資本的跨國可轉換性:以馬來西亞留台校友為例, ' 台灣社會學會年會, 台灣社會學會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2014.08, 'Social networks, cultural capital, and attachment to the host city: comparing overseas Chinese students and foreign students in Taipei, ' Nordic Sociological Association Conference, Nordic Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 馬藹萱*, 2013.11, '從在台外籍生之學習選擇看留學生遷移決策之社會建構, ' 台灣社會學會年會, 台灣社會學會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Ai-Hsuan Sandra Ma*, 2013.10, 'The ethnicalization of transnational student mobility: The case of Malaysian Chinese students in Taiwan, ' International Conference on Asia-Pacific Studies: Leadership Transition in Asia: New Orders or New Problems, 政大社科院.(*為通訊作者)
  • 曹民根*;馬藹萱, 2013.09, '政府政策對移工社會文化適應需求的立場:台灣與韓國之比較, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2012.10, 'Turning Adversity at Home into Advantage at Destination: Malaysian Chinese Students in Taiwan, ' The Asian Conference on Education Official Conference Proceedings, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR).(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2012.05, 'Migration decision-making and social network formation among international students in Taiwan, ' The ARI-GUISM Joint Conference on Education Mobilities in East Asia, National University of Singapore.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2012.02, 'How much is ''brand'' valued in education services?, ' GUISM Workshop, National University of Singapore.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ho, K. C.*;Ishikawa, Mayumi;Lagree, J. C.;Ma, Ai-hsuan S.;Sidhu, R.;Satoru, A., 2011.03, 'Globalization and International Student Mobilities in East Asia, ' The Joint Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS): "70 Years of Asian Studies", Association for Asian Studies.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ho, Kong Chong;Ma, Ai-hsuan Sandra, 2011.02, '"Learning to move" and "moving to learn": student migration decision-making and adaptation in Singapore and Taiwan, ' Korean-ASEAN Academic Conference on "Revisiting Transnationalism in East Asia: Emerging Issues, Evolving Concepts".
  • 馬藹萱*, 2011.01, 'University’s Impetus and Strategies for Internationalization: The Work-in-Progress Report on the Case of National Taiwan University, ' “Globalizing Universities and International Student Mobilities in East Asia” Conference, University of Singapore.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱, 2010.12, 'International student recruitment to universities in Taiwan: changing discourses and agendas, ' The Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association: Social Causes, Private Lives, The Australian Sociological Association.
  • 黃信洋;馬藹萱*, 2009.12, '向左走,向右走—影響教育與職業選擇的重要機制探討, ' 教育與勞力市場連結長期追蹤研究工作坊會議, 國立政治大學社會學系.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ma, Ai-hsuan S.*, 2009.09, 'Internationalization of higher education in Taiwan: Rationales, strategies, and responses, ' The 9th Conference of European Sociological Association, European Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ma, Aihsuan S.*, 2009.06, 'The recruitment of international students in Taiwan: The trajectory of policy development, ' The 9th Conference of Asia Pacific Sociological Association, Asia Pacific Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ma, Ai-hsuan S.*, 2009.05, 'Foreign students in Taiwan''s higher education: Motives, strategies and goals, ' 2009亞太地區教育社會學論壇(The 2009 Asian-Pacific Forum on Sociology of Education: Social Change and Education Reform), 臺灣教育社會學學會.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ma, Ai-hsuan S.*, 2008.06, 'Universities in the internationalization of higher education in Taiwan: Transition and challenges, ' The 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ho Kong Chong*;Ai-hsuan Sandra Ma, 2007.07, 'Social-biographical perspectives on student migration in Asia, ' Transnational Education and Migration in Globalizing Cities, National University of Singapore.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-hsuan S. Ma*, 2006.02, 'Examining the internationalization of Taiwan''s higher education through student immigration: A project proposal, ' 政府再造與憲政改革系列研討會—全球化之下的人權保障與人才共享論文集, 國立台北大學公共行政暨政策學系, pp.3-1/3-42.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2005.11, '跨國婚姻子女族群認同之初探, ' 台灣社會學會年會, 台灣社會學會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 趙佳慧;馬藹萱*, 2005.11, '台籍與東南亞跨國家庭青少年外表形象認知建構之初探, ' 台灣社會學會年會, 台灣社會學會.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-hsuan S. Ma*, 2001.05, 'Context dependency of social networks in international migration, ' 「全球化的經濟與社會層面探討」學術研討會, 中央研究院歐美研究所.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Ai-hsuan S. Ma*, 2000.08, 'The duality of migration decision making: The cases of Chinese and Taiwanese scientists in the U.S., ' Oppression, Domination, & Liberation: Challenges for the 21st Century (American Sociological Association''s 95th Annual Meeting), American Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Ai-hsuan S. Ma*, 1998.08, 'Cultural aspect of migration decisions: A study of scientists in the United States from China and Taiwan, ' Inequality and Social Policy: A Challenge for Sociology (American Sociological Association''s 93rd Annual Meeting), American Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-hsuan S. Ma*, 1996.08, 'Rethinking migration theory, ' Social Change: Opportunities & Constraints(American Sociological Association''s 91st Annual Meeting), American Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Ai-hsuan S. Ma*, 1995.08, 'Professional migration: "Brain drain" and "return migration", ' American Sociological Association''s 90th Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
Book Chapters
  • 馬藹萱*, 2024.07, '通識教育的點線面:國立政治大學通識教育的發展與精進, ' 《博觀通識:國立研究型大學》,21世紀臺灣的大學通識教育叢書系列, 教育部提升大學通識教育中程計畫, pp.143-164.(*為通訊作者)
Research Report
  • 馬藹萱*, 2024.01, '「被忽略的後進者:台灣的高等教育國際化發展與國際生」專書寫作計畫報告, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2021.12, '《跨國企業中的跨界人力資本:越南台資企業對跨國人力資源之需求與運用》專題研究計畫報告, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2018, '《跨國文化資本與經濟資本的在地鑲嵌:留台人與海外台資企業》專題研究計畫報告, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2016.12, '《境外教育,跨國文化資本與弱勢處境:向上流動或持久邊緣化?》專題研究計畫報告, ' 國科會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 楊文山*;林佳瑩;成之約;馬藹萱;楊雅惠, 2014.07, '102年外籍與大陸配偶生活需求調查期末報告, ' 移民署.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2012, '〈全球的趨勢,在地的聲音:台灣本土學術社群對高等教育國際化的看法〉期末報告, ' 行政院國科會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2009.12, '外籍生來台留學現象與台灣高等教育之國際利基:一項微觀社會學的考察, ' 國科會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳淑瓊*;黃興進;莊坤洋;陳靜敏;馬藹萱;劉忠峰, 2008.07, '數位健康產業發展計畫-遠距照護(Telecare)試辦計畫:遠距照護成效指標建置及評估, ' 衛生署.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*;關秉寅, 2008.01, '大學校院招收外籍生市場調查與分析研究, ' 教育部.(*為通訊作者)
  • 馬藹萱*, 2005.12, '跨國婚姻子女族群認同之初探, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 黃健二*;賴宗裕;謝慶達;馬藹萱;莊坤洋;王本壯, 2002.04, '苗栗縣綜合發展全面修訂計畫, ' 苗栗縣政府.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 黃健二*;賴宗裕;謝慶達;馬藹萱;莊坤洋;王本壯, 2002.04, '苗栗縣整體發展實施計畫, ' 苗栗縣政府.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 李酉潭*;王宏仁;馬藹萱;徐世榮;殷瑞宏;陳敦源, 2014.08, '公民與社會(高一上), '.(*為通訊作者)
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