Tien-Tun Yang;Ray-May Hsung*;Shu-Heng Chen;Ye-Rong Du;Yi-Jr Lin;Nai-Shing Yen;Chien-Te Wu;Ho-Ling Liu, 2021.10, 'The Mechanisms of Trust Formation under Different Conditions of Political Identity: An Experiment among Taiwanese Voters, ' Current Sociology, Vol.69, No.6, pp.879-899.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chien-Te Wu*;Yang-Teng Fan*;Ye-Rong Du*;Tien-Tun Yang*;Ho-Ling Liu*;Nai-Shing Yen*;Ray-May Hsung(correspondent)*, 2018.02, 'How Do Acquired Political Identities Influence Our Neural Processing toward Others within the Context of a Trust Game?, ' Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol.12, No.23, pp.1-13.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
熊瑞梅*, 2013, 'Structural Embeddedness of Accessed Networks and Innovation at Work, '.(*為通訊作者)
Hsung, Ray-May;Yi-Jr Lin*;Ke-Wei Lu, 2013, 'Structural Embeddedness of Accessed Networks and Innovation at Work, ' Research in the Sociology of Work, Vol.24, pp.295-322.(Scoupus, SocINDEX, and Sociological Abstracts)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Hsung, Ray-May*; Yi-Jr Lin;Ke-Wei Lu, 2012.08, 'Dynamic Networks of Interlocked Directorates in Taiwan Semiconductor Industry: 1995, 2000,2005,2010., ' the International Sociological Association Forum.(*為通訊作者)
Hsung, Ray-May;Yi-jr Lin, 2012.04, 'Embeddedness of Innovation Networks: the Industrial Upgrading of Taiwan Semiconductor Industry., ' The 1st World Congress of Taiwan Studies., 中央研究院.
Hsung, Ray-May*;Ke-Wei Lu;Yi-Jr Lin, 2012.03, 'The Vulnerability of Networks: the Case of Board Directors’ Networks in Taiwan Semiconductor Industry., ' the 32th Sunbelt International Social Networks Conference.(*為通訊作者)
Ray-May Hsung*; Yi-jr Lin, 2011.10, 'Embeddedness of Innovation Networks: the Industrial Upgrading of Taiwan Semiconductor Industry., ' the International conference of Taiwan Studies, 中研院社會所.(*為通訊作者)
Peng, Li hui;Ray-May Hsung, 2011.08, 'Gender Differences: The Return of Quality of Social Capital among China, Taiwan and USA., ' The 2011 NACSA Annual Conference.
Yi-Jr Lin*;Ke-Wei Lu;Ray-May Hsung, 2011.04, 'Effects of Social Capital and Work Social Environment on Innovation at work, ' the Workshop of Social Networks and Social Capital, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者)
Ray-May Hsung*;Ke-Wei Lu;Yi-Jr Lin, 2011.04, 'The Effect of Small World on Patent Citation: the Case of Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan, 1996-2006, ' the Workshop of Social Networks and Social Capital, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者)
Hsung, Ray-May;Ke-Wei Lu;Hui-Ju Yang, 2011.02, 'The Small World Phenomena of Patent Citation Networks: The Case of Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan,1976-2007, ' Sunbelt XXXI International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, International Network for Social Network Analysis.
Peng, Li-Hui;Ray-May Hsung, 2011.02, 'The Return of Quality of Social Capital and Job Skill: Gender Differences in Taiwan, ' Sunbelt XXXI International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, International Network for Social Network Analysis.
Hsung, Ray-May;Yi-Ren Guan;Ke-Wei Lu, 2010.06, 'The variation of searching networks on patent inventions: the comparison of patent citations and inventors’ networks in two semiconductor firms in Taiwan, ' The INSNA Annual Conference, Sunbelt XXX, INSNA.
Fu, Yang-chih; Ray-May Hsung;Si-yin Lee, 2010.06, 'How social Capital Is Created during the job: Work Conditions and Interpersonal Contacts, ' The INSNA Annual Conference, Sunbelt XXX, INSNA.
Ray-May Hsung;Yi-Ren Guan;Yi-Jr Lin, 2009.03, 'The Effects of and Status Signal and Structural Holes on Patents’ Citations: The Inventors’ Networks of the Patents in the IC Industry in Taiwan in 2001 and 2005, ' INSNA Annual Conference, Sunbelt XXIX, INSNA.
Lin, Yi-Jr;Ray-May Hsung, 2009.03, 'From Differentiated Networks to Integrated Networks:The Interlocked Directors of IC Industry in Taiwan, ' INSNA Annual Conference, Sunbelt XXIX, INSNA.
Ray-May Hsung;Ronald Breiger, 2008.01, 'Relation-specific Prestige Scores and their Explanation:Comparison among Taiwan, China and United States, ' SUNBELT XXVIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, INSNA.
Lin, Yi-Jr; Ray-May Hsung, 2008.01, 'The Transformation of Technological Collaboration Networks in Taiwan Semiconductor Industry, ' SUNBELT XXVIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, INSNA.
熊瑞梅;Ronald Breiger, 2008.01, 'Relation-specific Prestige Scores and their Explanation: Comparison among Taiwan, China and United States, ' SUNBELT XXVIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, International Social Network Association.
熊瑞梅;Ronald Breiger;Yi-jr Lin, 2007.05, 'The Creation of Differential Social Capital: the Comparison of Taiwan, China, and United States, ' SUNBELT XXVII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, International Social Network Association.
熊瑞梅, 2006.04, 'Social Capital and Innovation at Work, ' Sunbelt XXVI Conference, Vancouver, Canada, International Social Network Association.
熊瑞梅, 2005.12, 'The Creation and Return of Social Capital and Innovative Ideas at Work in Taiwan, ' Social Capital Workshop, Department of Sociology, Duke University.
傅仰止;熊瑞梅, 2005.12, 'How Social Capital Changes During Current Job: Work Conditions and External Resources, ' Social Capital Workshop, Department of Sociology, Duke University.
Ray-May Hsung, 2005.02, 'Social Capital, Intellectual Capital and Promotion: The Mobility from Engineers to Managers in High-Tech Firms., ' International Sunbelt Social Network Conference.
Ray-May Hsung;Ronlad L. Breiger, 2004.12, 'Position Generators, Affiliations, and the Institutional Logics of Social Capital: A Study of Taiwan Firms and Individuals., ' International Conference on Social Capital. Ref.
Ray-May Hsung;Esther Chow, 2004.08, 'Job Search, Networks, and Gender Inequality: A Comparative Study of China and Taiwan., ' American Sociological Assoication annual meeting, American Sociological Assoication.
Ray-May Hsung, 2004.07, 'Human Capital, Social Capital, and Intellectual Capital for Knowledge Workers in four High-tech Firms in Taiwan., ' University of Toronto.
Ray-May Hsung;Esther Chow, 2004.02, 'Gender, Social Capital and Promotion at Work Places in Taiwan, ' Rethinking Careers for a Changing Society, the Eastern Sociological Society 74th Annual Meeting.
Ray-May Hsung;Yi-Jr Lin, 2003.02, 'Social Capital of Personnel Managers: the Function of Positional Networks and Civil Engagement., ' XXIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference.
Ray-May Hsung;Ngan-ling Esther Chow, 2002.07, 'Market Vs. State: Job Search, Networks, and Employment of Manufacturing Workers in China and Taiwan., ' the 15th World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association.
Ray-May Hsung;Esther Nagan-ling Chow, 2002, 'The Mechanisms of Job Matches in the Career Mobility for Men and Women Manufacturing Employees in Taiwan: The Significance of Social Networks and Human Capital., ' International Sunbelt Social Network Conference XXII.
Esther Ngan-ling Chow;Ray-May Hsung, 2001.08, 'Linking Globalism with Localism: Gendered Embodiment and Labor Practices of Transnational Corporations in Taiwan., ' 98th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association.
Ray-May Husng, 2001.05, 'Social Capital and Success at Work Places, ' International Interdisciplinary conference on Economics and sociology..
Ray-May Hsung;Esther Ngan-ling Chow;Ming-feng Lin, 2001.04, 'Social Capital and Getting Ahead: Evidence in Multinational Corporations in Taiwan., ' Sunbelt XXI International Sunbelt Social Network Conference.
Ray-May Hsung;Esther Ngan-ling Chow, 2000.08, 'Gendered Organizations, Management Regimes, and Employment: A Comparative Study of Japnaese and American Managed Manufacturing Firms in Taiwan., ' Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association.
Ray-May Hsung, 2000.04, 'Institutions, Accessible Resources, and Success., ' Sunbelt XX International Sunbelt Social Network Conference..
Hsung, Ray-May;Nan Lin;Ronald Breiger, 2009, 'Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Markets, Communities and Families., ' Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Markets, Communities and Families., Routledge. Ref.
Hsung, Ray-May*;Esther Chow,, 2019.09, 'Institutions and Networks Constructing Gender Inequality in Factories: The Case of Taiwan’s Export Processing Industrial Zones, '.(*為通訊作者)
Jenn-Hwan Wang*;Tsuang-Yuan Chen;Ray-May Hsung, 2016.08, 'Guanxi Matters? Rethinking Social Capital and Entrepreneurship in Greater China., ' Rethinking Social Capital and Entrepreneurship in Greater China, Routledge Pub., pp.1-18.(*為通訊作者)
Ray-May Hsung*;Yi-Jr Lin, 2016.08, 'the Changes in Corporate Social Capital and their Implications for the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan, ' Rethinking Social Capital and Entrepreneurship in Greater China, Routledge Pub., pp.127-153.(*為通訊作者)
熊瑞梅*, 2014, 'Similarities and Differences of in Relation-Specific Social Resources Among Societies: Taiwan, China and the United States., '.(*為通訊作者)
Fu, Yang-chih*;Ray-May Hsung, 2014, 'How Social Capital Is Produced during, ' Social Capital and Its Institutional Contingency: A Study of the United States, Taiwan and Chin, Routledge Pub., pp.99-120.(*為通訊作者)
Ray-May Hsung*;Ronald L. Breiger, 2014, 'Similarities and Differences in Relation-Specific Social Resources Among Three Societies: Taiwan, China and the United States, ' Social Capital and Its Institutional Contingency: A Study of the United States, China and Taiwan, Routledge want to publish and searching, pp.141-172.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Fu, Yang-chih*;Ray-may Hsung;Szu-Ying Lee, 2014, 'How Social Capital Is Produced during Current Job: Work Conditions and Contact Pattern., ' Social Capital and Its Institutional Contingency: A Study of the United States, China and Taiwan, Routledge Publisher, pp.173-214.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Yang-chih Fu;Ray-may Hsung;Si-yin Lee, 2011, 'How Social Capital Is Produced during Current Job: Work Conditions and Interpersonal Contacts, ' Nan Lin’s book, Routledge want to publish this book and.
Hsung, Ray-May;Ronald Breiger, 2009, 'Position Generators, Affiliations, and the Institutional Logics of Social Capital: A Study of Taiwan Firms and Individuals., ' Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Markets, Communities and Families., Routledge. Ref.
熊瑞梅;Yir-chi Lin, 2008, 'The Social Capital of Personnel Managers, ' Social Capital: An International Research Program., Oxford University Press.
熊瑞梅;Ronald Breiger, 2008, 'Position Generators, Affiliations, and the Institutional Logics of Social Capital: A Study of Taiwan Firms and Individuals, ' Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Communities, Markets and Organizaitons, Routledge Publisher.
Esther Ngan-ling Chow;Ray-May Hsung, 2002, 'Gendered Organizations, Embodiment, and Employment Among Manufacturing Workers in Taiwan., ' Transforming Gender and Development in East Asia., Routledge.
Nan Lin;Yang-Chih Fu;Ray-May Hsung, 2001, 'Social Capital and Socioeconomic Attainment in Taiwan, ' Social Capital: Theory and Research, Aldine de Gruyter Pub.
Ray-May Hsung;Esther Chow, 2001, 'Institutions and Networks Constructing Gender Inequality in Factories: The Case of Taiwan’s Export Processing and Industrial Zones., ' In The Chinese Triangle of Mainland-Taiwan-Hong Kong: Comparative and Interactive Analyses., Greenwood Pub.
熊瑞梅, 2000, '台灣企業社會學研究的發展與反思, ' 群學爭鳴, 中央研究院.
Yi, Chin-Chun*;Ray-May Hsung, 1997, 'Der Einfluss von sozialen Netzwerken auf di Partnerwahl und bildungshomogame Eheschliessungen in Taiwan: Eine Ananyse von, '.(德語(文))(*為通訊作者)
Hsung, Ray-May*, 1994, 'Human Ecological Approach to Migration of Nonmentropolitan Places in Taiwan, ' Asian Transmigration, Prentice Hall, pp.547-564.(*為通訊作者)